Criminal charges can be difficult for you and your family to handle on your own. It can turn your whole lives upside down as you face possible jail time or large fines. Such consequences can affect you and those you know for the rest of your life. If you or a loved one have been criminally charged, you will need a criminal defense attorney by your side to help you determine your next best step and guide you through this complicated process.

Different criminal charges you could be facing include:

  • Drug trafficking
  • Public intoxication
  • Reckless driving or other traffic offenses
  • Petty theft
  • Kidnapping
  • Burglary
  • Arson
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault

Most people once they are charged will speak to the police and try to prove they are innocent. Rather than further incriminating yourself, wait to give any details to an attorney that is skilled and experienced in criminal defense. With an attorney working your case, you can have a peace of mind in knowing that your representative is working hard to help you receive fair consequences for your actions. A criminal defense attorney will help you and your loved ones be prepared for every step in this process.

Both misdemeanor and felony charges can come with severe consequences for you and your family, including years in jail, large fines, as well as loss of better employment or some housing options. These cases can become complex and difficult to manage with little to no legal experience. A criminal defense attorney understands how delicate these situations are and want you to have a successful case. We will work hard to ensure that your rights are protected. To understand your available options and begin building your defense, contact Haynes Law today to schedule a consultation.